America, the country of multicultures and the leader of capitalism always emphasizes that guaranteeing Liberty and Equality is its motto and most people think so too. However our team searched that there’s a paradox in America’s view about freedom.
Early settlers who desired their rights of religion and economy activities took rights of Indian for their interests. And “Slavery in America”, showed us the ultimate of an encroachment upon human right, we can see that Liberty is not for everyone but for restricted people. The South Americans at 1800s maintained slavery for efficient productivity of cotton growing and they also permitted slavery trade. In summary adopting slavery is only for money and interests without considering human rights. In this stream, we searched many places to realize our project and found that The Statue of Liberty is suitable place for memorial of slavery in America. The Statue of Liberty, a symbol of liberty of world is most impressive architecture which shows us liberty and equality of America better than any other things. However, we can find more than 50% of pictures of statue are contain Manhattan on the opposite side of Liberty Island. Actually Manhattan is a center of capitalism and money. In conclusion we found something in common between historical evidence and current situation. And this point can be strong to emphasize the paradox between historical evidences and America’s motto about freedom. To be more specific, the light from Statue of Liberty is directed to Manhattan and I think the back of the statue can be compared to the neglected human rights and isolated areas in that the back does not get as much lights of its front does.
In this stream, we started our memorial project about slavery in America as 3 parts of event.
Firstly, we would like to represent the isolated situation from social and economic activities by installing a wall between Statue of Liberty and the area and blocking the view of Manhattan. This wall consists of cubes (1.2m x 1.2m x 1.2m) which can be disassemble and were carved the list of slavery on an exterior face and has height of 6m. Some people can feel sublime or sorry but some people can’t get no feelings about this wall. Or some people will express their feelings by leaving messages (scribbles, paintings and letters etc.) spontaneously. As a result, the wall will carry out place that arousing some feelings like commemoration and realizing communication about human right.
Second, this step will be conducted by demolishing the wall as pieces of cubes. If there’s someone who want to break the severance between spaces by feelings aroused, This step will be proceed without attracting ant attention. As a result, an old habit neglecting and discriminating black Americans that has not been forgotten for hundreds of years will be disappeared by some people’s spontaneous participation.
Third, this step means reestablish consciousness of human right after the wall demolished. And we can’t expect how it will be because it will go ahead randomly. Actually the cubes which were organized the wall are made of material that can be easily deformed and assemble. So people can express their opinions unconsciously in many ways. And this process will be proceeded for unsettled time.
This project is voluntary work in stream of cherish, destruction and reestablishment as we mentioned. By participating in this memorial, American or everyone can be realized that how slaves were oppressed and conditions of human right in America. And it will be new paradigm of commemorating slaves. Of course, people may just pass by without paying attention to the monument, leaving messages, or trying to collapse the wall. But we think that a valuable way to pay our respect to the minority is changing thinking by not forcibly but spontaneously. In conclusion, we are anticipate that this project to be a new way of commemorating slavery of America.